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第21回世界大会 男子シニアクラス オ ロスティスラブ選手  
Im very sorry my Japanese is not good enough, so Im writing this thing in English.
This championship was the first time for me to represent a different country.
Although, I don't speak fluent Japanese, but because the members of the Japanese national team treated me very well, I felt very comfortable just like with my old teammates.
m very thankful to the Japanese team for giving me a chance to join the championship.
It was a great experience being a part of the Japanese team.
I admire the organizational work; during the whole time (preparation and the tournament) everything was smooth and efficient.
d like to thank everyone who made this championship happened, our coaches, organizers, competitors, doctors, cameramen and everyone who supported us, especially, our families.
No matter what the result is, everyone worked very hard and I
m grateful that I had an honor to be a part of it.
Special thank and deep bow to my parents, my wife and my daughter for their love and support, which always gives me power to continue.


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